Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Keep Your Fat Weight Off

Okay so you have tried diet pills, expensive diet plans, exercising, low-carb diets, and everything else imaginable to loose the weight. Finally you are at the weight that you feel comfortable with and then a month goes by and you are right back where you started. This is the trickiest part to dieting, they never tell you how to keep the weight off. Well here is six steps you can do to help lose weight and then maintain it.

First- Get Active and Stay Active. Once you develop a healthy exercise routine that works your whole body keep with it. This can be as simple as walking everyday, playing an active sport that you love, or hitting the gym to lift weights and get a good cardio workout The key is that you continue exercising when you reach that desired weight.

Second- Eat a diet low in calories and fat. Many people don't pay attention to how many calories and fats they are consuming each day. Keep a record for one week of the foods you eat and how many calories and fats are in these foods. Then reduce that number. Look for snacks that are low in calories and fats. Fruits and Vegetables are wonderful. Also limit yourself from eating fast food to only once a week.

Third- Don't skip breakfast. Our moms always told us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This doesn't mean you have to eat eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, milk, and juice everyday. Something as simple as a bowl of cereal and a piece of fruit will benefit you greatly. Breakfast helps get your metabolism started each day. With your metabolism working your body is able to burn more fat during the day. Breakfast also helps control your hunger throughout the day so in turn you eat less and at more consistent intervals.

Fourth- Hit the scales. I know it is hard to watch your weight on a daily basis. But if you are checking in to see what your body is doing throughout the week you can catch when you are gaining a couple pounds and then adjust your diet accordingly.

Fifth- Maintain a consistent eating pattern. Many people do wonderful on a diet during the workweek. Then a weekend hits or worst a holiday and all eating patterns go out the window. Try and continue eating around the same time and the same amount of food as you would if it was a normal day. This might be difficult but it will help your body maintain the weight. You can still eat the fun things that come with the holidays but in moderation.

Sixth- Catch the "slips" before they become bigger. If you happen to gain a couple pounds make sure to correct your diet and exercise right way. It is easier it to get back on track when things are little.

Now you can get the weight off and keep it off without anything to fancy and expensive!

Find more information on diet pills and bodybuilding supplements at World Class Nutrition.

Copyright (c) 2007 Al Short

Music For Yoga Mp3

How to Breakdance: Turtle

The turtle is one of the most popular breakdance moves out there. It involves the breakdancer supporting his body on his arms/elbow while spinning around in circles.

To learn this impressive breakdance move, first learn the turtle freeze. You do this by stabbing your elbow on your stomach and keeping your legs tucked in. Your body should be parallel to the ground, and your fingers should be pointing outward, opposite of each other. Keep practicing the turtle freeze until you can hold it for an average of 15-30 seconds.

Next, learn the handglide freeze. This is similar to the turtle freeze, but only one arm should be stabbed, while keeping your other arm on the floor. Be sure that your stabbed arm IS NOT on the center of your stomach, but more between your abs and your sides. Your fingers for the other hand should be pointing outwards. When you can hold the handglide freeze for an average of 15-30 seconds, you are ready for turtles.

now you have the necessary prerequisites for this breakdancing move. The next step is to choose a direction. It doesn't matter if you choose clockwise or counter-clockwise, just find a direction you're comfortable with.


Go into turtle freeze. Keep your right arm stabbed as you move your left hand about 90 degrees so that you are now in handglide position. Shift your body onto your left arm so that you are in a position similar to the turtle freeze, but with the fingers of your right arm facing upward. Move your right arm so that you are in turtle freeze again. Repeat this process until you have at least a 360 degree rotation. Congrats! You have just mastered this breakdance move!


Go into turtle freeze. Keep your left arm stabbed as you move your right hand about 90 degrees so that you are now in handglide position. Shift your body onto your right arm so that you are in a position similar to the turtle freeze, but with the fingers of your left arm facing upward. Move your left arm so that you are in the turtle freeze again. Repeat this process until you have at least a 360 degree rotation. Congrats! You have just mastered this breakdance move!

Dan Svinsky is a webmaster and breakdance instructor. He runs a website that's a helpful resource for beginners that want to learn how to breakdance.

Message For A Yoga Student Teacher

Wi-Fi in the Third World

The world of Wireless ISP's is quickly growing. Wireless access points seem to be sprouting up over night, showing up on more and more radio antennas and water towers. The number of companies offering cheap, fast, reliable, wireless internet is also on the rise as people seek out alternatives to broad band and fiber optics.

While Americans see this growing trend as an increase in convenience. Allowing them to read the morning news on their laptop as they sip coffee at their favorite coffee shop. Or write an email while sitting in the park. The rise of wireless internet is also providing the less fortunate with what most of the developed world takes for granted.

Kofi Annan, who served for ten years as the secretary general of the U.N., stated during his term that wireless internet would play an important role in developing countries where money and resources were scarce. Annan was quoted saying "It is precisely in places where no infrastructure exists that Wi-Fi can be particularly effective, helping countries to leapfrog generations of telecommunications technology and infrastructure and empower their people." He also went on to comment on the many companies currently working with the U.N. on bringing wireless internet technologies to those third world countries who are struggling to bring themselves into the technological modern age.

building the infrastructure needed for fiber optics or cable internet services presents most of the poorer countries of the world with an expensive solution to their technological needs. Not only are construction and material costs presenting those considering internet services with a problem. but most existing homes and buildings in these countries are old, dilapidated, poorly constructed structures and difficult to work with. On top of that there are all the small costs of ethernet cables, and modems which most of those targeted could never afford.

Wi-Fi offers a solution that is both quick and cheap. installation of wireless access points wouldn't take nearly as long to put in place and the cost would be considerably less. With the help of companies like intel and the World Bank, both of whom attended the U.N. discussions, such a lofty goal does not appear out of reach. intel has already test marketed wireless in a handful of developing countries. Should these test turn out to be a positive experience for both intel and it's test markets, it's not difficult to see a further penetration into the third world.

The race is on to install hot spots around the world. Places like China and india present massive markets with 40 to 50 million PC's ready to be part of the global network. This number is likely to increase as PC,s and laptops become cheaper and more available. This growth corresponds with the worlds continuing lust for information.

Annan called upon those in the industry to come up with a plan for building and providing Wi-Fi for the less fortunate. He also called upon those in attendance to discover the obstacles to such a proposition and a solution to overcoming those obstacles.

Wi-Fi seems like such an obvious solution to the worlds technological unbalance. It's easy to overlook those people who live in poorer countries without the basic necessity's of the computer age. Some of these countries are decades behind in both technology and resources. Traveling abroad makes this disparity even more apparent. Finding an internet connection in some of the poorer countries is a real chore. It's a lofty goal to try and bring some balance to a world, such as the technological one, where the difference between those that have and those that have not, is so night and day. Bringing Wi-Fi to developing countries is a good start to this long and arduous task.

Sven currently deals with wireless management solutions and wisp billing

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