Sunday, January 13, 2008

All We Want Is A Simple Golf Swing

A simple golf swing! What a novel idea! How many of you want a golf swing you can easily repeat for 18 holes, without a lot of stress going on in your brain? No checklist of 15 thoughts you go through before every shot. Just step up, go through your simple preshot routine and execute a near perfect golf shot.

The Basics

Your stance, grip and posture dictate your outcome! If these are not in place, you will never hit a good golf shot! Even the tour players work on these weekly. If they see the need and importance, so should you.

Your stance (and ball position) are critical to the direction the ball will, and how it will react off the clubface. Your stance can also be connected to your alignment to your intended target. If you are aiming slightly to the left or right of target, you will most likely have sidespin on your ball, causing either a slice or a hook.

Your grip dictates how your clubface will contact the ball. A poor grip is the cause of many mishits. What you might think is a good grip, may be far from optimal. Again, the pros check their grip all the time. Once you get a solid grip, you will be able to make a swing that's consistent.

Your posture will either inhibit or enhance your golf swing. Poor posture is one of the main culprits in the older golfer. For example, a rounded upper back inhibits your body's ability to fully rotate on the backswing, causing compensations to occur. These compensations, create swing faults. Fix your posture, and your compensations will disappear!

The Simple swing

Once you've accomplished the basics, then swing motion is next. this involves take-away, downswing and follow through. With your fundamentals of the basics down, you will have a much better chance at making a repetitive golf swing. I'm an avid golfer, who has taken many lessons, read dozens of golf instruction books, and watch the golf channel regularly, but I am not a certified teacher to tell you the components of your actual golf swing.

All you need is a simple golf swing dvd that will provide you with an easy-to-understand way to make a repeatable golf swing!

about The Author: Curt Smith is an avid golfer, who has spent a lot of money on golf instruction, videos, schools and more. He is passionate to help the average golfer. For more golf instruction videos information, visit his golf instruction guide site today!

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Stress Management Through Yoga

stress, almost all are victim of this drastic term. People from all occupations are facing stress in their life in one way or the other. In this article I would like to summarize the causes and cure for stress through natural therapy called YOGA. But before coming to that point we should have clear understanding of what exactly the stress is. stress is usually a mental pressure exerted due to fatigue or excessive work. It is also caused from worrying about the work or happenings in the past, present or future. Suppose there is a businessmen exporting his products to several countries, his business is doing fine and growing but somehow a situation comes and he finds his business on decline though there might be some cause for this and it could be short lived making his business to bloom once again, but within this short span the person develops stress which may lead to severe mental hazards.

In the modern world we face stress in every sphere and every step of our life, whether we are in schools, colleges, offices etc. Students face stress due to exams, serviceman face stress due to huge pile of pending work etc. As a result people often practice medications like taking sedatives, narcotics and tranquilizers (medicines to cure anxiety) which calm the mind but in future it creates serious other maladies.

But still there is a therapy which is purely natural and is considered to be the best weapon against stress and that is YOGA. Yoga is the ancient mantra for sound health and also to retain juvenility to a great extent. It has been practiced by several Rishi-Munis in ancient india and now has become a major concern among the modern genre too.

So back to stress management, Yoga provides a unique way of managing stress through Prayanama (A breathing technique), in this technique an individual do slow and steady breathing - like inhaling through his one nostril and exhaling through other. Besides there are fast breathing movements like intake of air through nostrils and exhaling through mouth at fast pace, this way air is passed properly through blood capillaries and the person feels himself / herself in light mode i.e. he / she feels that there is no burden over their mind and soul.

Dhyana (Meditation) is also a good method of controlling stress, in this part of Yoga a person sits in a posture (usually in relaxing mode) and concentrate his / her mind over one point with eyes closed. The mind is concentrated upto an extent when an individual feels that he / she has no interaction with the surroundings, infact the mind reaches in a neutral stage thereby relieving mental exhaustion. Hence yoga provides the best cure to this serious ailment which is disrupting the life of millions of people daily. Anyone practicing yoga daily is rarely suspected to stress, as yoga creates the mind and body immune to stress.

Finally Yoga has and is proving itself as Stress Management Tool and now a days it is being used in Western world too as a major alternative to the offensive allopathic drugs.

The author is an aspirant writer on health. To get the latest books on yoga log on to

Yoga And Meditation Product

Millionaire Internet Marketer's Students Are Becoming Wealthy In His Footsteps

A former automobile General Manager from Long Island, New York left the business in 2004 when he was making more money in one month online than he did in one year working at one of the largest auto dealers in the USA.

The man is top internet marketer, Mike Filsaime. Mike shocked the marketing community by developing an style of viral marketing known as Butterfly Marketing. This style of marketing launched Mike, like a juggernaut, to one of the most popular names in internet marketing. just do a Google on his name and you will see thousands of pages on his name. (He shares the same last name as the executive VP for nintendo, but you will not see that name anywhere.)

In early 2006, Mike released his home study course to the world and it sold over $200,000 in sales in just 16 minutes. Selling out the entire $1.5 Million dollar inventory in less than 1 month. just a few months later, Mike's students are now making as much as $100,000 in just 7 days after applying his internet strategies.

Mike has been asked by many book publishers to Author a book called ButterflyMarketing. It is rumored that it could become a NY times best seller virtually over night and would change the way people look at viral marketing not just online, but offline as well. Mike has stated it will be a few months or perhaps a year until this would come to fruition.

For now, Mike has condensed is $1497 best selling home study course into a 100+ page manuscript that may only be available for a limited time and at

It will be interesting to see how many more millionaires are made using his strategies.

Some critiques are even stating that his advertising strategies are so powerful, that soon, Viral Marketing will be referred to as Butterfly Marketing. The term, comes from the chaos theory. How one tiny, seemingly insignificant, change can have huge and dramatic affect on a given outcome over time. i.e. A butterfly flapping it's wings produces tiny changes in the atmosphere that can one day, many months later, change a sunny day into a tropical storm.

Butterfly Marketing is understanding these small changes in your business that can have you going from dead-end broke, to making Millions of dollars per year. Butterfly Marketing uses viral marketing, to leverage your current flow of traffic. Although Mike Filsaime spends less than a few thousands of dollars per year in advertising, this form of marketing could explode sales and traffic for anyone using any form of advertising once his strategies are put into the current plan.

For more information on Butterfly Marketing, and to see some of the success Mike's students have had in just a few months after learning from him. Please go to

Watch out for the name Mike Filsaime. If you haven't heard of him yet, you will. If and when he decides to publish his book, his name may be as popular in the business world as Robert Kiyosaki. only time will tell.

Patrick Moore is a well known website developer, and is an expert in article writing, and providing quality content. He has over 30 sites, and every one is related to showing others how to make money. His newest site is

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